After five years working in London, I decided it was time to move back to Los Angeles, but not before taking a year off to see the world. I gave up my great job with Lehman Brothers in Administration and a fantastic flat (and roommate) I’d lived in for over three years, packed up all my belongings into some 60 cubic feet of boxes and said farewell to the wonderful friends I made in London. Before setting off for Asia, I spent seven weeks in the States including a weekend getaway in Chicago with my best friends from high school, corrective eye surgery in Philadelphia, Aud and Rob’s wedding in Bermuda, 13 days in Israel on Birthright (with a side trip to Petra) and time in quiet Oak Park with my parents and sister. Then, on July 18, 2010 at 1am, with only 13 kilograms in my 50L backpack and a small shoulder bag, I boarded a flight to Singapore. The goal of my adventure is not one of self-discovery or mending a broken heart but a journey of true desire to explore the world, experience new cultures, taste various cuisines, explore beautiful wildernesses, meet local people, and maybe learn some Spanish along the way. What lies below are my stories (or more of a daily recount of events) from the road.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chilly on the Chilean coast

Friday, January 28, 2011 – Monday, January 31, 2011

Well, I admit, I’m way behind with my writing.  I’ve jotted notes for my bus ride from Mendoza to Viña del Mar and my time in Viña; they might have to suffice since there is no way I’ll catch up and write about Easter Island.  Probably not worth reading this, but here’s my first five days back in Chile.  I didn't mention it below, but compared to the 100 degree heat in Argentina, 70 degrees on the coast felt cold.

Friday, January 28, 2011 - Bus from Mendoza to Viña del Mar
  • Supposed to leave at 9:30, buses running late, met an older couple from England
  • Beautiful ride from Mendoza through Potrerillos and Uspallata, view of Aconcagua (the highest peak in the Americas)
  • Border control – Argentina exit and Chile entrance in same place, all luggage put on x-ray machine, only two hours (usually takes three)
  • Back in Chile
  • Arrive in Viña at 6pm, taxi to hostel
  • Shower and get ready
  • Ricardo comes at 10:15pm, an hour later than planned
  • Walk and take taxi to his friends car to drive us to party
  • House party in a modern apartment building on the coast between Reñaca and Concon, Ricardo gives me a hard time for having only one piscola, meet lots of Chileans and some foreigners
  • Club near Reñaca, mostly Spanish music with a bit of American, good time but reminds me that I prefer going out with girlfriends and not while traveling
  • Back to the hostel at 4am

Bus ride to Vina
At the club with Ricardo
Saturday, January 29, 2011 - Day in Valparaiso
  • Breakfast at hostel
  • Walk into town center; stop by LAN office to book airport transfer
  • Back to hostel to relax before meeting Ricardo, Ken and Pamela at 2pm
  • Bus to Valparaiso
  • Lunch at J Cruz – huge line, wait for an hour, museum like building down a narrow alley, everyone orders chorrillana (French fries topped with fried pork, onions and egg), really tasty
  • Colectivo with Ricardo to La Sebastian, one of Pablo Neruda’s houses, coffee to go in attempt to wake up
  • Walk down through streets to ascensor (Valparaiso is very hilly, so there are various funicular railways which transport people uphill)
  • Ascensor Conception to Cerro (hill) Conception, one of the most scenic and architecturally stunning areas
  • Walk down to El Plan, stop for ice cream
  • See part of a random street show (part of the weekend festival in Valpo), very strange
  • Bus back to Valpo – so tired

Pamela, Ken and Ricardo at J Cruz


Sunday, January 30, 2011 - Solo sightseeing in Viña
  • Breakfast at hostel
  • Spend the day in Viña del Mar, walk along the coast to main area of town
  • Lunch at Taco Bar, same ten seconds of song playing for about 15 minutes, put on iPod, eventually changes
  • Plaza Vergara (main square), sit on a bench and a weird guy comes and sits down near me, immediately get up, quick stop in supermarket
  • Nap at hostel
  • Meet Ricardo at 6:30pm at Café Journal
  • Bus to sand dunes, hire a sand board to slide down dunes (we each go twice), very windy and sand gets everywhere, afternoon light is beautiful; my second time down the dune I get tons of speed and put out my foot to slow down, sand flying everywhere, get to bottom and my face is covered in black sand
  • Bus back to Viña, dinner at Shitake (a sushi restaurant) with Ricardo

Beach in Vina
Climbing to the top of the dune

Dinner at Shitake
Monday, January 31, 2011 - American afternoon
  • Decided to take the day to relax because Easter Island will be busy
  • Spent the morning talking to a couple American girls (Holly and Laura) in the dorm
  • Three of us go to Sibaritico for lunch (Ricardo recommended it as Anthony Bordain ate there), biggest hot dog ever, I ordered a version of the completo with tomato, avocado (more like guacamole) and cheese
  • Eat at Starbucks with a dulce de leche Frappuccino
  • Girls leave at 5pm and I spend four hours in Starbucks working on uploading photos, planning, writing
  • Walk back to hostel at 9pm
  • Order sushi for delivery, takes 1.5 hours, Holly and Laura join me for dinner
  • Bed at midnight, way too late considering I have to be ready to go at 4:30am

Lunch from Sibaritico

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