After five years working in London, I decided it was time to move back to Los Angeles, but not before taking a year off to see the world. I gave up my great job with Lehman Brothers in Administration and a fantastic flat (and roommate) I’d lived in for over three years, packed up all my belongings into some 60 cubic feet of boxes and said farewell to the wonderful friends I made in London. Before setting off for Asia, I spent seven weeks in the States including a weekend getaway in Chicago with my best friends from high school, corrective eye surgery in Philadelphia, Aud and Rob’s wedding in Bermuda, 13 days in Israel on Birthright (with a side trip to Petra) and time in quiet Oak Park with my parents and sister. Then, on July 18, 2010 at 1am, with only 13 kilograms in my 50L backpack and a small shoulder bag, I boarded a flight to Singapore. The goal of my adventure is not one of self-discovery or mending a broken heart but a journey of true desire to explore the world, experience new cultures, taste various cuisines, explore beautiful wildernesses, meet local people, and maybe learn some Spanish along the way. What lies below are my stories (or more of a daily recount of events) from the road.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The giants and goodbyes (aka day 5 Galapagos)

Sunday, March 13, 2011
(more photos on shutterfly )

Early morning.  Wake-up announcement at 6am.  Breakfast 6:30 with luggage in hallway.  Tell my roommate that her bag is supposed to be outside the cabin but she doesn’t listen.  When she finds it still in the cabin, they have to turn the luggage dingy around because it had already left.  Can I say, I told you so? Off the boat at 7:15 to Port Ayora, the biggest town in the Galapagos and the one most effected by the tsunami.  Street is still slightly wet.  Port Ayora is much bigger than I realized with lots of buildings.  Really started to notice the environmental effects of all the people living in the Galapagos and tourism.  Kind of sad.
Sunrise at Port Ayora
Port Ayora
Bus to turtle reserve in the highlands since the Charles Darwin center is closed.  Put on boots and walk through muddy trail looking for giant tortoises.  First sighting of a giant tortoise – so big.  Continue on to see four more.  They are huge!  Oldest is 100 years.  Amazing creatures.  Wiggle into a tortoise shell on display.  Say goodbye to Lynn, Judy, Heather and Leonie.
Me with the guides Daniel and Victor Hugo

Denni and me
Catherine, Bill and me
Saying goodbye to Leonie and Heather
Transfer to airport.  Bus breaks down on the road.  Driver gets underneath and after about 10 minutes we get going again.  Ferry across to Baltra Island and bus to airport.  Some last photos of fish and birds.  A bit of time to shop.  Plane ride 1.5 hours to Guayaquil.  Everyone has to change plans even though most are continuing to Quito.  Say goodbye to the rest of my new friends.  Stacey and Evan flying out of Guayaquil tomorrow and kindly agree to take my waterproof cameras back to the States.  Excuse to see them in NY in June.

Taking the bus driver's seat while he was under the bus :)
Me, Stacey and Evan
Brown pelican
Land at 1:30 but by the time I get luggage and go to check-in; I don’t have to wait long.  Able to check-in for Lima flight at 2:45pm.  Find internet to call home and let parents know that I’m ok (couldn’t contact them about the tsunami).  Am now at the airport waiting for my 7:30pm flight to Lima.  Had a fabulous time on the Galapagos!  Wonderful group of people, incredible wildlife, knowledgeable guides, excellent boat.  Hope to go back again with my family.  Next stop… Peru.

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