After five years working in London, I decided it was time to move back to Los Angeles, but not before taking a year off to see the world. I gave up my great job with Lehman Brothers in Administration and a fantastic flat (and roommate) I’d lived in for over three years, packed up all my belongings into some 60 cubic feet of boxes and said farewell to the wonderful friends I made in London. Before setting off for Asia, I spent seven weeks in the States including a weekend getaway in Chicago with my best friends from high school, corrective eye surgery in Philadelphia, Aud and Rob’s wedding in Bermuda, 13 days in Israel on Birthright (with a side trip to Petra) and time in quiet Oak Park with my parents and sister. Then, on July 18, 2010 at 1am, with only 13 kilograms in my 50L backpack and a small shoulder bag, I boarded a flight to Singapore. The goal of my adventure is not one of self-discovery or mending a broken heart but a journey of true desire to explore the world, experience new cultures, taste various cuisines, explore beautiful wildernesses, meet local people, and maybe learn some Spanish along the way. What lies below are my stories (or more of a daily recount of events) from the road.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Colca Valley and condors in the canyon

Thursday, March 17, 2011 – Friday, March 18, 2011
(This isn't really finished, but now that I'm a couple weeks behind, I wanted to post something about Colca Canyon.) 

Amazing couple days in Colca Valley and Colca Canyon which started with a horrible night sleep in Arequipa, with my stomach not feeling great. Woke up at 2, 4 and 6 in the morning. I joined Tucan for their Colca Canyon excursion and was supposed to be picked up at 7:15am. At 7:45 the van showed up because the driver forgot about me. Thanks.  We had a clear morning leaving the city with beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. There are over 60 volcanoes near Arequipa.
  • Drive to Chivay with lots of stops on the way, first taste of coca leaves as we ascend to almost 5,000 meters above sea level (as soon as my cheek starts going numb I spit them out) and another stop for coca tea
  • Buffet lunch at the Tucan hotel
  • Hour walk in the Colca valley, stunning views, pre-Inca terraces
  • Brief stop at my hotel Pozo del Cielo (since there is no room at the Tucan hotel) to check-in and change into my bathing suit
  • Hot springs near Chivay, 39 Celsius, after an hour I am way too hot
  • Back to hotel, dinner on my own, just soup again to keep it light
  • Shower, skype, in bed passed out at 9:30pm 

Friday, March 18, 2011
  • Wake up at 6am, breakfast at 6:30
  • The guide, Alex, and the rest of the group pick me up at Pozo del Cielo
  • Drive into Colca Canyon to Cruz del Condor, few photo stops on the way
  • Gorgeous area, so green, tons of wildflowers and fields, terraces
  • Arrive at Cruz del Condor at 9am with an hour to Condor watch, Kym and I spot one then go to the higher viewpoint and see a couple soaring above
  • About to walk back to the van when we see two condors near the canyon edge, amazing birds
  • Hour group walk along the canyon edge, see another condor up close
  • Drive back to Chivay for buffet lunch and enjoy a very quick walk in town
  • Three hour drive back to Arequipa, Kym and I spend part of it singing Glee songs, the group takes turns playing music
  • Bit of time to relax at my hotel in Arequipa before dinner with Tucan group at Patio del Ekeko (again), ordering was a bit of a mess as we waited for Thomas who was taking forever, didn’t finish dinner until 10:30pm at which point I returned to Los Andes B&B

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