After five years working in London, I decided it was time to move back to Los Angeles, but not before taking a year off to see the world. I gave up my great job with Lehman Brothers in Administration and a fantastic flat (and roommate) I’d lived in for over three years, packed up all my belongings into some 60 cubic feet of boxes and said farewell to the wonderful friends I made in London. Before setting off for Asia, I spent seven weeks in the States including a weekend getaway in Chicago with my best friends from high school, corrective eye surgery in Philadelphia, Aud and Rob’s wedding in Bermuda, 13 days in Israel on Birthright (with a side trip to Petra) and time in quiet Oak Park with my parents and sister. Then, on July 18, 2010 at 1am, with only 13 kilograms in my 50L backpack and a small shoulder bag, I boarded a flight to Singapore. The goal of my adventure is not one of self-discovery or mending a broken heart but a journey of true desire to explore the world, experience new cultures, taste various cuisines, explore beautiful wildernesses, meet local people, and maybe learn some Spanish along the way. What lies below are my stories (or more of a daily recount of events) from the road.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Relaxing before the big move

Saturday, March 19, 2011

(This has basically been written since March 19 but I thought I would have time to expand once I got to Cusco.  That clearly hasn't been the case, so I'm getting this posted so that I can start writing about Cusco.)
  • Relaxing morning in Arequipa, slept in and didn't bother with breakfast
  • Walked around town for a bit down some new streets at to a of couple churches
  • Wandered through a museum, really random collection including pictures of earthquakes in Arequipa
  • Bought a notebook for Spanish class in Cusco, as well as a book of Spanish-English stories and some chocolates for my host family
  • Lunch at a cheap pizza place since I figure I won't be eating pizza at the house
  • Back to Los Andes where BBC is on, France have targeted sites in Libya
  • Call my parents and hour later and find out the US is now involved as well
  • Watch the news as I upload photos to shutterfly
  • Taxi to bus station for my ten hour bus ride to Cusco, at least I have the front-row single-seat on the top
  • Check-in for Cruz del Sur is like an airport - they take your luggage and have a fancy waiting room, unlike anything I've seen so far
  • After paying my departure tax, I sat in the lounge waiting to board the bus at 8pm
  • Sit next to a couple, Steven and Andrea, from Chicago. He's at Northwestern for his MBA and she just matched in NY for OB/GYN having studied in Texas
  • Bus played really loud music as we departed then started a bingo game at 9pm
  • Apparently bedtime is around 10pm because at that point they turned off the lights and music and put on a strange movie about a baby who grows wings.  I wasn't watching but every now and then I'd pull off my eyemask to have a look.
  • Once I arrive in Cusco, I'll be picked up by my family who I'll be living with for four weeks.  I'm excited but a little nervous.  Have no idea what its going to be like.  Guess I'll find out soon.
(Internet is way too slow right now for pictures but they are on shutterfly.)

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